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A Palisades Interstate Park Commission (PIPC) boat permit ($15) is required to operate any craft (including rentals) on any waters under the jurisdiction of PIPC. Prior to an issuance of a boat permit & usage of a boat, all boats & life jackets must pass an annual Palisades Interstate Park Commission inspection. In addition, a separate Sterling Forest® State Park boat permit ($10) must also be purchased to launch a boat in any Sterling Forest® State Park waters. Both permits are available at either the Sterling Forest® State Park Information Center 115 Old Forge Road in Tuxedo or at the Tiorati Circle Office in Harriman State Park from 9am - noon and 1 pm-4pm daily. A maximum of 1,000 Sterling Forest® State Park Boating Permits will be issued in 2003.
To obtain a PIPC boat inspection at either office listed above you must bring
1) Your boat - Inflatables must display the National Marine Manufactures Association endorsement for compliance with- Project H 28 standards of the American Boat & Yacht Council on the capacity plate found on the transom.
2) Coast Guard approved wearable personal floatation devices (PFD) for the maximum number of persons who will be on board. Seat cushions & ring buoys do not meet this requirement.
3) If the boat will be equipped with an electric motor, bring the motor vehicle registration card
and have registration numbers displayed on both sides of the bow.
Regulations: Generally all rules and regulations on the Palisades 'Interstate Park Commission boat permit apply at Sterling Forest® State Park. We would like to emphasize the following rules:
- Swimming is prohibited.
- Children under 12 must wear a Coast Guard approved personal floatation device at all times.
- Gas motors, in use or not, are not permitted on boats.
- A current, valid PIPC boating permit and the Sterling Forest® State Park permit sticker must be permanently affixed to the boat as shown below.
- Boating permits are valid April 1 - December 31, 2003 or until ice forms, whichever comes first. (All other Palisades Interstate Park Commission waters close 11/29/03.)
- There is no boating on Sterling Lake or Little Sterling Lake.
- The only boat launch available is at Blue Lake. You must portage your boat to all other lakes (Eagle Lake, Little Dam Lake, and Laurel Meadow Ponds).
- Boating is permitted from one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset.
Place PIPC Sticker on Starboard (Right) Side Toward
Rear of Boat
Place Sterling Forest® State Park Sticker to
the Right of PIPC Sticker.
Sterling Forest® State Park Fishing Information
- A New York State fishing license is required. You must follow the DEC regulations regarding the season, size, limit, & method of taking.
- Trout will be stocked in Blue Lake.
- Fishing is permitted from one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset.
- When conditions permit, ice fishing is allowed on Blue Lake, Eagle Lake, Little Dam Lake, Laurel Meadow Ponds and Four Comers Pond. Signs indicate Current conditions. Gas augers are not allowed.
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